

Long-tailed Tit

The Long-tailed Tit is a small, adorable bird found throughout Ireland. With its white, black, and pink plumage, long tail and energetic behavior, it can be easily spotted and admired in wooded areas and gardens.


The Long-tailed Tit is a small songbird with fluffy, white and pink plumage. It has a black marking around its eyes and a distinctive long and narrow tail. This bird has a short, but curved, black beak.

What they eat:

Long-tailed Tits are insectivores, which means they feed predominantly on insects, particularly spiders and their eggs, and small caterpillars.


Long-tailed Tits occupy woodlands, hedgerows, and parklands. They prefer places with dense vegetation and are particularly fond of areas with willows.

Size and wingspan:

The average length for the Long-tailed Tit is about 14cm, and their wingspan is around 18cm.

Male/Female difference:

The Long-tailed Tit does not have any distinctive features to tell its sex apart.

Where to find:

Long-tailed Tits can be found across the entirety of Ireland, primarily in woodland areas.

What months can they be found in Ireland:

The Long-tailed Tit can be found in Ireland all year round.

Interesting Note:

Long-tailed Tits are known for their unique breeding behaviors. They build a large nest, usually made of moss, feathers, and spiders' webs, in the fork of a shrub or tree. These birds even weave a tunnel, made of the same materials, to the entrance of the nest, which provides protection and insulation from the elements. Additionally, Long-tailed Tits practice cooperative breeding, where the adults build the nest and the juveniles from the previous breeding season help feed and care for the current season's chicks.

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