


The Robin bird is a small, but plucky songbird found all across Ireland with its striking red breast and distinctive melodious song that is a staple of the Christmas season.


The Robin is a small bird that is easily identifiable by its red breast and brown back. Its wings are brown with white patches and its face is also brown. It has a relatively small black beak and black eyes. During the breeding season, the male Robin is more vibrantly coloured and has a brighter red breast.

What they eat:

Robins mostly feed on insects and other small invertebrates such as worms, spiders and caterpillars. They also eat fruits and berries during the autumn and winter months.


Robins prefer habitats that are mixed with woodland and farmland. They can be found in gardens, hedgerows, parks, and woodlands.

Size and wingspan:

Robins are small birds and measure around 14cm in length, with a wingspan of 20-22cm.

Male-female difference:

Male and female Robins look very similar, but during breeding season, the male's red breast is brighter and more noticeable.

Where to find:

Robins can be found throughout Ireland, but are more commonly seen in the east and south of the country.

What months can be found in Ireland:

Robins can be seen in Ireland all year round, but are more commonly seen from autumn through to spring, particularly during the breeding season.

Interesting note:

Robins have been known to follow gardeners around, hoping to catch insects that may be disturbed as the gardener works in the soil. They are also one of the few birds that continue to sing throughout winter, making them a popular bird to spot during the colder months.

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